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Young Leaders Program- 2022

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Session 2, Resource 3
In Progress

C. Post-Session Materials

Kritika October 14, 2021
Session Progress
0% Complete

 Learning and Neuroscience

1. Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix | Tasha Eurich | TEDxMileHigh

1. “Thinking about ourselves isn’t related to knowing ourselves.”
2. In introspecting to get to know ourselves, we must ask “what” questions and not “why” questions. “Why-questions trap us in that rear-view mirror What-questions move us forward to our future.”
[Tasha Eurich is an organisational psychologist and the author of Insight which records findings from her study on self-awareness.]

2. Becoming Accountable | Ana Alanis | TEDxYouth@ColumbiaHeights

In the transition from high school and college to adulthood, holding oneself responsible for one’s own learning is the key factor.

1. Our learning is our responsibility, not our parents’, schools’, or systems’. Set high goals and prove yourself.
2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, no matter how uncomfortable or awkward it makes you feel.

[Ana Alanis is a global youth activist, human rights advocate, and student at American University in Washington D.C.]