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Young Leaders Program- 2022

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Videos Resources

1. Nonviolent Communication and Self Awareness | Maria Engels | TEDxAllendaleColumbiaSchool

Nonviolent communication is deeply rooted in love. The steps are simple. State observations, feelings (mad, bad, glad, sad), the needs you have (your values) and lastly, make a request. All actions we take are an attempt to meet our needs. Feelings let us know when needs are not met. Needs and feelings are universal. Conflicts arise only with respect to the strategies each of us chooses to meet our needs.

2. 10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee

There is no reason to show that you are paying attention if you are actually paying attention. So instead of focussing on how to nod, or lean in to show that you are listening, “true listening” is to set aside oneself in the conversation. In this talk, Celeste Headlee suggests some ways to do that.

3. Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy

Our body language not only affects how others perceive us. It also affects how we think and feel about ourselves. But it is possible to fake the right body language in order to think and feel differently about ourselves. It is also possible that occupying a role of greater leadership can make us think and feel differently about ourselves. Try to fake it till you not only make it but also become it.